Jiping Xing(邢吉平)
Ph.D/PostDoc at Southeast University
E-mail address: xingjiping@seu.edu.cn/xingjiping_seu@163.com
- 2021.09-至今 博士后:东南大学,交通学院 合作导师:刘志远教授
- 2015.09-2021.01 博士:东南大学,交通学院 导师:陈淑燕教授
- 2018.11-2019.12 联合培养博士:英国利兹大学交通研究所 导师:Prof.Ronghui Liu
- 交通大数据分析
·基于迁移学习的缺失流量估计 - 交通网络建模与优化
·网络交通分配 - 交通行为分析与建模
1.Xing Jiping, Liu Ronghui*, Anish Khadka, Liu Zhiyuan. A Customized Data Fusion Tensor Approach for Interval-Wise Missing Network Volume Imputation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. https://doi.org/10.1109/TITS.2023.3289193
2. Xing Jiping, Liu Ronghui, Zhang Yuan, Charisma F. Choudhury, Fu Xiao, ChengQixiu* (2023). Estimating traffic volumes in an urban network based on taxi GPS
and limited LPR data using transfer learning techniques. Transportmetrica A:Transport Science. https://doi.org/10.1080/23249935.2023.2197511.3. Xing Jiping, Liu Zhiyuan*, Wu Chunliang, Chen Shuyan (2019). Traffic VolumeEstimation in Multimodal Urban Networks Using Cell Phone Location Data. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 11(3), 93-104. https://doi.org/10.1109/MITS.2019.2919593.
4. Xing Jiping, Wu Wei, Liu Ronghui, Cheng Qixiu* (2022). Traffic VolumeEstimation in Urban Road Network: New insights and novel techniques. PhysicaA-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2022.127079.
5. Xing Jiping, Wu Yunchi, Huang Di, Liu Xin* (2023). Transfer learning for robusturban network-wide traffic volume estimation with uncertain detector deployment scheme. Electronic Research Archive. https://doi.org/10.3934/era.2023011.
6. Xing Jiping, Zhang Qi*, Cheng Qixiu, Zu Zhenshan (2022). Ageographicaland temporal risk evaluation of red light violations by a pedestrian at signalized intersections: A case study of Suzhou, China. InternationalJournal of Environmental Research and Public Health. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192114420.
7. Yin Ruyang, Xing Jiping*, Mo Pengli, Zheng Nan., Liu Zhiyuan(2022). BO-B&B: A Hybrid Algorithm based on Bayesian Optimization and Branch-and-Bound for Discrete Network Design Problems. Electronic ResearchArchive. https://doi.org/10.3934/era.2022203.
8. Zhang Qi, Shi Yunyang, Yin Ruyang, Tao Hong, Wang Zihan, Chen Siyuan,Xing Jiping* (2023). An Integrated Framework for Real-time IntelligentTraffic Management of Smart Highways. Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems. https://doi.org/10.1061/JTEPBS/TEENG-7729.
9. Huang Di, Xing Jiping, Liu Zhiyuan*, An Qinhe.(2020). Amulti-stage stochastic optimization approach to the stop-skipping and bus lane reservation schemes. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science. https://doi.org/10.1080/23249935.2020.1858206.
10. Cheng Qixiu, XingJiping, Yi Wen, Liu Zhiyuan*, Fu Xiao (2019). Distance-Based CongestionPricing with Day-to-Day Dynamic Traffic Flow Evolution Process. DiscreteDynamics in Nature and Society, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/7438147.
1. 邢吉平,赵瑜隆.城市空间扩张下城乡道路网通达性演化仿真[J].计算机仿真, 2023,40(03): 192-196.
2. 邢吉平,邓建华,郝鹏飞.信号控制交叉口行人过街违章率研究[J].交通科技与经济, 2015, 16(5): 14-19.
3. Xing Jiping (2022). Estimating Traffic Volumes in an UrbanNetwork Based on Taxi GPS and LPR Data Using Machine Learning Techniques. Inproceedings of 25th IEEE Intelligent Transportation System Conference 11/2022.
4. Xi Yinfei, Chen Xinyuan, Xing Jiping, Liu Zhiyuan, Li, Guoqiang (2019). MalformedIntersection Level of Service Promotion Strategy Research Based on VISSIM. Inproceedings of CICTP 2019.
5. Yang Xun, Shi Yunyang, Xing Jiping*, Liu Zhiyuan (2022). V2X-aidedAutonomous Driving: A Review of Status Quo, Challenges, and the Future. IntelligentTransportation Infrastructure. https://doi.org/10.1093/iti/liac020.
6. Chen Shuyan, Xing Jiping, Cao Yang. (2018). The impact ofwaiting time on pedestrian violations at signalized Intersections. CivilEngineering and Urban Planning: An International Journal. https://doi.org/10.5121/civej.2017.4201.
7. Huang Di, Xie Jiaohong, Xing Jiping, Liu Zhiyuan (2017). Convention-DRCB Systems AnOverview and Emerging Research Needs. In proceedings of The Inaugural WorldTransport 2017.
8. Cheng Qixiu, Xing Jiping, Selmoune Aya, Fu Xiao, Liu Zhiyuan (2017).Day-to-day dynamics in urban railway networks based on smart card transaction
data. In proceedings of the 22th International Conference of Hong KongSociety for Transportation Studies (HKSTS).9. 郝鹏飞, 邓建华, 冒玉婷, 邢吉平等. 自行车流视频识别判断方法研究[J]. 交通科技与经济, 2015, 17(2): 10-14.
1. 基于张量分解的城市路网线状缺失流量估计方法及系统, 邢吉平, 柳伟, 李英伟, 张琳.已授权,公告号:CN2021113082508
2. 基于迁移学习模型的城市路网未知流量估计方法及系统,邢吉平, 张奇, 史云阳,韩旭. 已授权,公告号:CN202111248478.2
3. 基于出租车GPS数据与卡口数据融合的城市路网流量估计方法. 刘志远, 邢吉平, 贾若,程龙,陈淑燕. 已授权, 公告号:CN201811551980.9
4. 一种基于卡口与手机流量话单数据的城市交通量获取方法, 刘志远, 刘洋, 邢吉平, 刘少韦华,程启秀,袁诗琳. 已授权, 公告号:CN201710496982.1
5. 一种基于手机信令数据的居民出行调查方法, 沈培琳, 刘志远,邢吉平,程龙,吴纯靓.已授权, 公告号:CN201809354802.1
6. 一种基于手机数据的交通小区出行模式估计方法, 沈培琳, 刘志远,邢吉平,贾若,程龙,刘少韦华. 已授权, 公告号:CN201803491653.1
7. 基于手机定位数据的出行方式识别方法及系统,邢吉平,霍锦,张媛,杨逊. 已公开,申请号:CN2021112484706
8. 一种基于迁移主成分分析的城市检测器稀疏布设下网络流估计方法及系统, 邢吉平, 柳伟, 李英伟.已公开,公告号:CN202303182207.